19 Aug 2021
< BackLast month, as part of Plastic Free July, we challenged our community members at By The Bay (BTB) to “Go Plastic Free with BTB” and share with us their reflections and takeaways after completing the challenge.
As absolute beginners trying their hand at being (almost!) plastic free, 3 participants from the BTB community representing Hongkong Land went on the full 7-day challenge. This week, read on for Alexander Riegler’s reflection and get inspired to play a part in supporting positive environmental change.
By Alexander Riegler, Asset Manager
My plastic free week started on 12 July and has forced me to think more about the amount of plastic I use day to day. I’ve made a conscious effort to bring my own shopping bags, food containers and reusable coffee cup whenever I go out, but I quickly realized that my attempt to reduce my use of single use plastics was helped by the fact that I worked from home most days of the week, which has allowed me to cook more. However, I still use plastic. Many food items from the grocery store came pre-packaged in plastic (cheese, yoghurt, meat, vegetables). This highlights how difficult it is to truly cut out plastics. I intend to continue to my attempts to reduce my use of plastic.
My thermos that I now bring along whenever I go out
It will require more consciousness to Bring-Your-Own (BYO) thermos or container with me whenever I go out. This consciousness will also prevent me from getting a coffee or meal on impulse which will help in reducing the usage of disposable packaging. I will also be leaving some reusable containers in the office as well to reduce plastic wastage when getting lunch whenever possible. Lastly, I will try to find products and shops that are more environmentally friendly.
Many of us may have not realized this but environmental change is interlinked with social impact. At BTB, we are committed to creating a culture of sustainability within our community and beyond. To create real value on any sustainability movement, we believe that community involvement is a key driver.
We continue to welcome and encourage our tenant community at BTB to challenge yourself and share your plastic-free reflection with the BTB community for inspiration. Genuine entries will receive an Eco Starter Kit as a token of appreciation for taking part in this challenge
At the end of your challenge, share your experience including 1 key learning/takeaway with a minimum of 200 words in your personal perspective. Email your entry along with pictures to support. Participation is open to all tenants in the BTB community until 31 December 2021.